The Lurgy

 We were all sick again this week. Well, one person would get sick, then we'd have a day or two when it seemed like it was over, then someone would get sick again. We are so tired of this. However, everyone has had it now, so hopefully we are actually done.

Mike was the last person to get sick, and he got it on Saturday, which he had set aside to do his last final for this semester of his masters program (due Monday). He managed to get the final done and then slept for the rest of the day, which seems to have helped; he's not completely back to normal, but he's feeling better today.

Grandma Sheila and Grandpa Mike dropped off some food Saturday, so we didn't have to cook. That was really nice of them and helped us a lot.

We are all tired of staying home because we're trying not to pass this to anyone else. We're certainly hoping to be able to go to nature group next Friday.

Mike and Alison both got their Covid shots last week. Alison's arm was extremely sore the day after, but other than that, they haven't had any negative side effects.

perhaps next week we will do something and so we will have something to report.


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