Busy, Busy, Busy

Wow - apparently we missed a few weeks. Here is what happened:

On Monday the 19th of July we celebrated Sara's birthday party. She really wanted to go to the Treehouse museum, but it is closed on  Mondays, and Alison didn't want to take the kids without another adult, so we haven't yet made it there. Instead we went to the Poulson's house and played in the creek near their house.

In the evening Mike and Sara made a white cake for her with vanilla frosting. We opened up her presents, and sang her the birthday song.

Andy and his family came back from Macedonia from the 21st to the 31st, and we pretty much spent every day over at the Poulson's house spending time with them. We had a lot of fun - playing legos, going on walks, canoeing, playing in the creek, etc. Mike even got in a few playtests of his board games. It was good to see them again.

The next week we went to the Stromberg's house to celebrate Max's birthday. We watched movies and played video games, Aunt Sheila helped Alison and Rea on a lot of sewing projects, we had a barbecue, went to the mall, to a water park, and on a hike, and the older kids even had a sleep over. It was good to get together with them too.

Here are a bunch of pictures:


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