Not Covid

 This last week the Brown family battled with a sickness that was not covid (Alison took a covid test to see if it was, and it came back negative, so though there is a possibility that it was a false negative, it doesn't seem likely). It is mostly characterized by coughing, phlegm, and headaches, but some of the kids also got super cranky.

We also were given a whole bunch of tomatoes by a ward member and made 4.25 gallons of salsa. The recipe that we made it from is the normal family recipe, but we doubled the garlic, and added 8 different varieties of peppers (because we like a lot of different varieties of peppers - they add more flavor). The peppers included: jalapeno, habanero, serrano, poblano, chili, yellow chili, anaheim, and pasilla. We didn't add any thai peppers this year, but only because we didn't want to go to more stores than was necessary with all of the sickness going around.

Timmy is proud to have helped can it (he made sure that we always had enough rings and lids, and he also helped put the jars in the water bath.) With 34 jars of salsa, we should not run out till next summer (hopefully). We made three levels of heat, so we should have some that is good for everyone.

We also set up in the front yard the tire swing that the Poulson's gave to the kids when they moved away from Kaysville. The kids have been enjoying that when they have been feeling good.

Sorry for a short post, but it has been crazy.


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