Nuts to You

We started writing this post last week, but it never got posted.

Last Tuesday Alison's friend - Sylvia Dalyia invited Alison over for a group discussion about emotions. Alison presented the power emotions to them and they all talked about it and had a lot of fun.

At the same time Mike discovered that our main sewer line was finally starting to back up in such a way that we will need to shortly get it fixed. He ordered a few plumbers to come over and look at it. So far they coming about $10k, so hopefully the last one has a cheaper plan.

Last Thursday we had a plumber come over and scope things out and give us a estimate for the work we were doing.

Rea and Alison are both writing stories right now, and have a lot of fun bouncing ideas off of each other, and of building upon each other's work.

Last week on Friday Rea went for a walk in the neighborhood and can back with news of a big walnut tree in our neighborhood which seemed to not be being harvested. She had taken some walnuts which had fallen on the sidewalk, and they looked pretty good, so we went on a walk to ask the owners if we could pick them. When we arrived there Mike asked them if they would let us pick the walnuts from their yard, and they said that they never pick them because they are allergic to walnuts. We picked an entire wagon load of walnuts, and left a decent number of nuts still in the yard. We have been shelling them ever since, and we already have shelled enough nuts to make about 9 lbs of nut meat. We intend on baking with them and adding them to all sorts of things. They are also good eating, though only some of us can eat plain walnuts since they are not a taste that everyone enjoys.

Rea, Sara, and Timmy all picked a lot of nuts, and Gideon and Elizabeth and Timmy helped push them home. We are paying the kids for having picked the nuts, though we need to determine how much walnuts are a lb. This might be a good chunk of change for them.

Last Friday night the Plastows came over for a sleepover. The kids had a fun time with their cousins as usual

On Saturday the older kids went to practice for the primary program, so Mike took Boo out to look for walnut shelling tools. It took us four stores before we found anything that would work, but we eventually found some.

We have been re-reading the Alcatraz vs the Evil Librarians books. Everyone is enjoying them.

On Monday another plumber came over and estimated about $9k for the job, so we chose that one. They had a cancellation, so they could get the job done on Tuesday. This meant that late monday we were trying to find a place for Alison and the kids (which would be a mediocre name for a band, by the way) to spend the day with working plumbing. Both Amy and Grandma Sheila offered to put us up, so we have great family in the immediate vicinity. We didn't ask the Poulson side of the family because of driving distance and Grandma being out of town, but we are sure they would have also been nice.

On Wednesday after work, Mike took the kids to try and buy some scooters at the local thrift store, but there were none to be had. We then went to the local skate park and scootered and rollerbladed around. The kids are very impressed by the skaters there, and want to learn cool tricks as well.

Thursday Alison and the Kids (who are going on tour sometime next summer) went to Grandma Julie's house because she was back in town. They played with toys and had a fun time. Alison talked with Grandma a bit, but was mostly utterly consumed by her novella that she is writing, so she did that a lot as well.

On Friday we went to Dracula vs Henry Botter at the OBT. Grandma and grandpa Sheila and Mike went too, and we had a fun time watching the play with them. We really liked Skape, Haggard, and the creepy twins (and Dracula, of course.)

When we arrived home after the play, Mike noticed that he didn't have his phone.

Saturday we went early in the morning to Gardner village to see the witch scavenger hunt. The Poulsons and Rogers were there, and so we had good companionship as we wandered the shops looking for all the witches. Sara and Rea bought a wand and a belt while there. Mike's favorite witch was the one that had been flattened by a house.

We bought pumpkins Saturday, and also some costumes for the kids except for rea, since they didn't want to make their own this year. The boys were ninjas, and the girls were all big cats. Mike also went to pick up his phone from the theatre.

We went to a trunk or treat with the brown side of the family that night, and also a chili cook off. It was fun, and the kids got some good candy. Afterward we went home and watched Harry Potter 1 - our traditional Halloween movie.

Sunday Boo and Giddy were sick, but Alison and Mike both were supposed to give talks, so we had a hard time getting everyone ready on time. We made it with seconds to spare, and give our talks before Mike took the sick kids home and Alison continued on to the second hour with the healthy kids.

On Sunday evening we plan on going trick or treating with the Plastows. That should be fun.


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