Shots and Lists and Projects

 This week Alison and Mike caught whatever Elizabeth and Gideon have had. Alison stayed in bed all day Monday, then moved to the couch all day Tuesday, and was mostly better (if a little tired) after that. Mike got sick Friday and had a sinus headache Sunday. Neither of us was anywhere near as sick as the little ones, though. Gideon is almost done coughing, and Boo stopped getting feverish in the afternoons sometime this week, so they're improving, but Boo is still super grumpy a lot of the time and needs lots of cuddles. (If grumpy is a symptom of this sickness, maybe Timmy has it, because he's had a really hard time getting along with people this week.)

Mike took the oldest three kids to get their first Covid shots Monday afternoon. He decided to walk in to a clinic; Alison worried that they'd have to wait forever, but it wasn't that bad. The kids are very proud of getting their first shots and excited for their second ones. When they're fully vaccinated, they'll be allowed to go into stores again (for the first time in a year and a half), so they're very motivated. Gideon is annoyed that he couldn't get his because he's been coughing, but hopefully he'll be over that so we can wait two weeks and then get his shot.

Alison spent Saturday making lists and plans for our trip to California; we'll be leaving next Saturday, so that was the best chance to get everything organized. She also went shopping and bought most of the stuff we need. She found some actual coloring books at the Dollar Store, instead of "coloring and activity books" based on some TV show, and she and the kids are pretty excited about them. We're also offering payment to whoever sits in the middle next to Boo and passes things back and forth, because that was a source of conflict on the last drive we took. Hopefully it all goes smoothly. Our kids are generally pretty good on long drives, but we had some trouble last time, so Alison is trying to prepare well.

Other than that, with everyone being sick, we didn't do much this week. We did go to Nature Group on Friday, but we sort of staked out our own spot and didn't interact with the rest of the group much so that we wouldn't pass on any germs. For our date, Mike and Alison spent their Taylorsville Buy Local bucks at a store we haven't been in before, Schmidt's Pastry Cottage, and bought a bunch of different desserts to sample. Our favorite was probably the Matterhorn, or maybe the German chocolate cookie. Alison wants to try the flat Florentine; she got the rolled one and it turned out to be filled with frosting, which is not her favorite thing, but the Florentine itself was very good. We got the kids peppermint brownies, and they liked them. The Napoleon and eclairs were both very good, but we were kind of overdone on sweet by then. :) We've been eating them a couple at a time for the past several days and still have a few left.

The kids are doing well in school. They're working hard on the dragons they're designing; it's interesting how different all three dragons are, and how differently they approach learning about body structures and organs and representing them. They got some new logic apps and are all working to fill in their math Definitions and Theorems book, where they record how to do each operation they figure out. Rea has started to see its benefits; when she was learning about negative numbers this week, she went back to her theorems on how to add and subtract and very quickly saw how to apply them to negative numbers. It made the new concept and skill much easier.

Alison is debating getting Timmy an ADHD diagnosis. The other week, he was a little sick but got bored in bed and decided to join school. When he did his reading, he said, "I think I can read so much better when I'm sick, because when I don't have so much energy my brain can actually stay on one thing and it's so much easier!" We'd really like to see if we can help him access that focus and ease more often so that he can do more of the things he wants.

We're very excited about going to California; Gideon asks daily if it's time to leave yet (or just proclaims that it's time to leave). The kids are making lists and plans and packing already. With any luck, we won't forget anything!

Rea's octopus- and ray-based dragon model

Sara's baking project - she's trying to develop the perfect sweet biscuit recipe


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