Explosions Go Boom

Continuing in the theme of explosions, we thought we'd go for two weeks in a row. So on Tuesday, Alison filled up the bathtub for Boo, and then exploded the water all over the kitchen floor. Now that we're getting into the groove of explosions, perhaps we'll have one every week!

If you recall, right before we left on vacation we discovered some problems with our kitchen sink. Tuesday afternoon, Mike got to work fixing them. (Monday Alison took the older kids for their second Covid shots [yay! they will be fully vaccinated next week!], so Tuesday was his first opportunity.) He replaced the parts that had problem parts just fine, but then the sink started backing up in a whole new way. He pulled it apart again to try and figure it out, and warned everyone not to touch it.

Boo asked for a bath, so Alison gave her one. After she was done, Alison let the water out of the bathtub and went to get her dressed. Then from the kitchen, Rea suddenly said, "Should the sink be filling up with water like that?"

Apparently there was a clog in the drain line somewhere and the water from the bathtub was backing up into the sink to the point of it overflowing onto the kitchen floor. We cleaned up the water and Mike went back to work on the pipes. Alison bribed to kids to stay out of his hair by telling them that if they could get the rest of the house clean before Mike finished, she'd buy takeout for dinner. (She was afraid we'd have no kitchen sink all night and didn't want to deal with dishes.)

Mike managed to clear out the drain line at exactly the same time that the kids got the cleaning done, so we compromised on buying fancy dessert. We had tuna melts and then Alison went to the Mexican bakery down the street and got a bunch of baked goods and we ate them and watched a show.

The sink has behaved fine ever since, so everything must be going well now.

Other than that, things went well this week. We got those second Covid shots and the girls had well child checkups and got their flu shots. (Two shots in one week was considered excessively unpleasant.) Everyone else is getting flu shots, and Mike and Alison are getting Covid boosters, this coming week. Gideon is getting his first Covid shot too (he was coughing when the rest of the kids got theirs, so he had to wait).

Mike and the kids have been playing Terraria recently, and have been enjoying exploring the game.

We got out our Christmas supplies and bought a new artificial tree. Everyone is very excited for Christmas decorations. Mike and Alison did some Christmas shopping online. We met the Plastow kids at the park Saturday afternoon and had dinner with the Plastows and the Browns on Sunday. It was fun.


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