Boo's New Horse

On Monday, Grandpa Craig had President's Day off, so Alison and the kids went on a field trip with Grandpa Craig, Grandma Julie, and Becky and her kids. They went to Thanksgiving Point, where they got to play in the dinosaur water table and sand pit, eat lunch in the cafe there, get ice cream, see butterflies in the jungle room, and play in the bug museum. They had so much fun! Rea spent a long time in the butterfly biosphere. Boo liked a plastic chrysalis she could sit in in the bug museum. Timmy liked learning about the end of the dinosaurs and how birds survived from a movie in the dinosaur museum and about ants in the bug museum; he wants to make an ant farm now.


Tuesday Timmy reorganized all of Alison's Montessori shelves in order to earn an ant farm. Unfortunately, it's too cold to mail ants, and although we went to three different places where we know ants live, we couldn't find the right places to dig them up. So we have to wait, much to his disappointment.

On Wednesday Mike helped with Timmy's activity dudes, and Rea also went to young women's. Timmy's group did some physical activities, played games with balloons, and also had ice cream sandwiches. Timmy was very much the strongest of his group; when an exercise activity was done, most of the rest would flop down, and Timmy wanted to keep going every time. Rea's group were working on quilts that they are making for a charity auction. The quilts are done now, so they should be selling them soon.

On Thursday Alison and the kids went to Grandma Julie's house, as usual, but they left early so that they could visit with the Dalyais on the way home. It feels like a very long time since we've hung out with the Dalyais, so it was really nice to see them again. Alison was feeling frustrated with homeschool and parenting in general; in talking with her mom and friends, she realized that this always happens in February and it's why she started Carnival in the first place. After we get back from Salt Con, we're going to do Carnival parties and invite a different family from our new ward every week. Alison feels much better after those conversations and decisions.

On Tuesday and Thursday Mike had meetings for his teaching job. He is teaching a new class that they are currently piloting, and they need to work on the content a bit.

Mike is also working on his master's program work a lot every day. He is far enough ahead right now that he could take off next week and it would be fine, which is a fortunate state of affairs, since SaltCon is next week.

We are starting to figure out what we need to do to get ready for that. We have set up for Mike's parents to dog sit, and we have made lists of things to pack and food to buy. It should be an excellent trip. Mike has already set up trades to receive 7 new games, so we should be playing some new games in the near future.

One of the games we are getting will probably be pretty popular with Dave, so we should set up a game night with Amy and Dave some time.

Friday was nature group. Rea made a very cool fish spear and Sara fell into a tumble weed and got scratches on her face. It seems like she might be a little bit allergic to it, since they turned bright pink and swollen right away, but we put cortisone on them, and they calmed down after that.

Friday night Grandma Sheila and Grandpa Mike took the kids to watch a movie so that Alison and Mike could go out on a date. We went to the contemporary art gallery down town which we like to visit periodically. They had three exhibits, but we only had time to see one and a half of them. It was pretty interesting.

After that we got gyros from the local Greek restaurant and then picked up the kids. The kids had had a good time, eating pizza, playing with their cousins and watching a movie that they really enjoyed. They were all singing about not talking about Bruno all the rest of the evening.

On Saturday we dropped off our taxes at the accountant's office and then went to the DI in Sandy. We got a new bike for Timmy, and also some new pants for Gideon. We found the movie Willow, a child-sized loveseat, and a rocking horse for Boo as well. Rea has been asking for a rocking horse for Boo for a month, so when she found one for $5, we agreed to get it. Rea was right; Boo really loves it. She pulled it through the whole store, and when we got it home, she pulled it around the house saying, "Come on, this way, you can do it." It was very cute.

Timmy has been asking and asking to have Grandpa Craig visit, so we invited them over for Sunday dinner tonight. We are looking forward to it.


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