December and the week of the Brown's

It has been a while since we posted, however we have been busy and we let it slide. Here are the things that we remember: On last Friday the kids were invited to a sleepover at Grandpa Craig and Grandma Julie's house with Ellie, Aelfric, and Victoria. They also got to see a play too. The play was "The Best Christmas Pageant Ever", which we like a lot. They came straight from the play to Grandma Sheila and Papa Mike's house on Saturday to go to the Giving Machine. This is a new tradition, where Papa and Grandma give each family a certain amount of money to donate to different causes. We chose ducks, a garden, and polio vaccines. Then we walked around Temple Square to see the lights and then got cookies at the Deseret Book across the street. Our family parked at the edge of the free fare zone and took the train downtown and back, which the kids loved. They're always excited for train rides. It was a very fun evening. Sunday we had a Brown family dinner. All of Papa ...