Snow and Bubbles

Well, we're back.

We were tired on Monday, but we made it through Classical Conversations. Timmy and Gideon were encouraged to behave by promising that they could have Logan and Dustin come over. They were pretty good, but unfortunately the Plastows were sick this week, so it didn't happen until Thursday. They played their new game Amazing Frog and seemed pretty happy about it.

We got some snow this week, which made the dog and the kids very happy. At nature group on Friday, they went sledding and had a great time. They ended up making chains of sleds and sending up to six kids down the hill at once. The "hill" they chose ends in a drop-off into a pool of water, and they seemed to think that the steering challenge added spice to sledding. No one actually got wet, so that was good.

Speaking of the water, it's a collection point for storm drain water, and someone must have poured dish soap into it somewhere, because it produced an incredible amount of bubbles the entire time we were there. The kids also had fun damming it up and stirring the bubbles with sticks and stuff.

We all made Christmas lists and started Christmas shopping this week. Mike also took Timmy to the store to buy brand-new pants so that he could verify that they didn't bother his sensory issues and they could all be identical. Alison took away his shorts meanwhile, so hopefully he starts actually wearing long pants now. With two snowstorms this week, it's time.

Rea got a bad cold on Friday, and by Sunday most of the kids were coughing, so we did sacrament meeting from home. Alison went to teach her Primary lesson and then came back to join everyone else. Now we're all listening to audiobooks and resting. We hope we're better tomorrow.


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