Neverending Sickness

For the last two weeks we have been sick. None of us were sick the entire time, and most of us weren't sick for most of the time, however for the last two weeks we've had at least one person sick on every day. Mike took a covid test, and it was negative, but it is hard to believe that it wasn't covid given how long it has lasted.

Mike and Rea were the ones who were sick for the longest, so they have been trying to take it easy and recover while Alison and the other older kids picked up the slack. The kids were pretty helpful, however, despite that Alison has been doing so much that she has been feeling like Calcifer from Howl's Moving Castle.

On two weeks ago Sunday we went to the Wilson's kids baptism. They had two kids getting baptized and we went to watch and celebrate with them. They play board games and RPGs with us, so we are good friends with the family.

That Monday the kids had their big end of the year presentation at school, which was fun. Mike took time off and the grandparents came too. They showed off their egg drops and the girls gave presentations about historical women they respected. 

That same week grandpa Mike invited the boys to go fishing with him. No-one caught anything, but the kids had a fun time despite that. It was cold, but fun.

Spring has really been coming in hard core, so we have been enjoying that.

Brother Waters has gifted us a big apple tree, so we planted it in the front yard. We also got raspberries and strawberries from grandpa Mike and raspberries from the Waters old house, so we have planted a lot of fruit plants these past two weeks.

Mike used up all of the drip sprinkler lines he had in storage already, so he will be going to home Depot to buy more soon.


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