Staying Alive

We also got a bunch more raspberry plants and a few strawberries as well. So far just if the plants are doing well, so we are getting excited to plant our garden too.

We had a bunch of goal day parties this week - mostly they were special meals and watching movies.

On Saturday the girls held their wildlife conservation garage sale and made $100 - 50 for the WWF, and the other 50 to keep for themselves. 60 of the money came from them selling Alison's SLR camera, and the other 40 mostly came from selling cookies. Either way, they are happy to have sold things to help the animals.

These last two weeks we have still had a lot of sickness in our house: Boo and Gideon both are coughing now. Rea and Mike are getting a lot better as is Alison, however none of them are 100% yet. We kept Boo and Gideon home from church today because both of them had started coughing within the last 2 weeks.

For mother's Day we made a special lunch for Alison which consisted of bacon, pancakes, scrambled eggs, and a blueberry smoothie.

Gideon also made Alison a special Mother's Day paper airplane. All the kids also made cards and paper flowers.

Sara picked some lilacs for Alison, since that is Alison's favorite flower.


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