A busy week that is full of parties

 The game day at Caitlin and Sal's house went well. We played a few games and talked a little bit about their investments and about how we are doing right now

This past week the three oldest kids went to acting class every day. The class is going to be two weeks long. They are enjoying it a lot, and have learned a lot of things so far.

They will be putting on a play next Friday and we are excited to see it!

On Tuesday Grandma Julie took Alison and kids to see the Faeries at Gardner village. Most of the kids had a good time when there.

On Wednesday we had a Chemistry activity dudes activity. During which we had the kids do some titrations and neutralized the substances. The kids seemed to enjoy it mostly.

Thursday we celebrated Boo's birthday. She got burritos from the local 'Betos' restaurant, and we also made her a chocolate cake. Her favorite toy was a dolly she got with a swimsuit.

Friday we celebrated Timmy's birthday because he didn't want it to be on Father's Day. He got a bunch of video games, some toys from his siblings and also a Lego dragon. He has enjoyed all of them at various times. He also got snorkel stuff

On Friday night we went to Indianapolis Jones at the off Broadway theater. We all enjoyed it and the players appreciated how vocal the audience was. The acting was good and the jokes were funny. Timmy and Boo both went up and had people sing happy birthday to them.

Saturday Mike rented a power washer from Home Depot and power washed the shed to clean off as much paint as would easily come off. We haven't painted it yet, but it is getting much closer.

Saturday night Mike was invited to a game night at Chauncey's house. They played video games and had a fun time. Mike got home late since it ended about 9:30.

Throughout the week we also got the roof of the shed put on, so after we paint it we can work on the interior.

Over all it was a very busy week, but was also a good week.


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