Rocket vs Mr. Clean

This week Alison started official school in our homeschool. The kids were not particularly excited by this fact, but we're making progress: Gideon had a baseline assessment for the beginning of first grade and did very well. Sara is in the middle of an assessment of the math she learned last year, to see if she can keep doing her current math schedule or needs to spend more time on math. (She and Alison are disagreeing about this, so the assessment is supposed to settle the question.) Timmy did a full reading lesson this week (a full lesson takes 2-4 hours), and his reading was very impressive! He is making a lot of progress, and we're hoping that he'll be reading independently by the end of this school year. Rea had her first week of doing all the assignments for her Challenge class. Alison was a little nervous about how it would all fit in our schedule, but Rea is very motivated and got it all done with no problem. Her tutor was very impressed with her on Thursday, e...