The dawn of Jello

This week on Monday we got a cat. Sara has done such a good job of taking care of Rocket that when she asked for a cat and agreed to take care of it the same way the parents decided that she was mature enough to trust to do it.

We looked online at a few options and settled for a mixed breed not-very-allergenic black and white cat. He has had a few names - he started with the name Choge but now he is being called Jello, because he is a jellical cat.

We will attach pictures to the bottom of this post. He is 8 weeks old (his birthday is June 14th), and he is very energetic and loving. He enjoys playing with everyone and doesn't love rocket a lot yet, however he tolerates him.

Timmy also seems to be getting sick. He slept through the visit to Grandma's house and seemed poorly. He is coughing a lot, but he claims to be well.

On Thursday was Rea's first day of school for the year. She is doing a class that meets every Thursday from 8:30 till 4:00. In class they all bring interesting math programs to work out together.

They learn Latin, are practicing drawing maps right now (this last week was ones of Canada). They also all read the same book outside of class and write papers about it. Then in class they read they papers out loud and discuss the book.

Rea made a friend in class. Her name is Sofia. They are writing a fantasy story together via email

We got tomatoes, grapes and blackberries from Grandpa Mike and Sheila. They are feeling sick (possibly COVID) and couldn't pick the berries for themselves. We enjoyed eating them and also made tomato sauce and Rea made blackberry tarts.

We ate most of them, however we also shared some with grandma and Grandpa Mike and Sheila. They enjoyed them too.

On Saturday we deep cleaned the kids rooms because Alison wanted to make a better space for Elizabeth's bed. The boys room went quickly and they got to play video games when they were done. The girls took took longer, however, once we got it done the rearranging looked very nice.

After that job was done we went to the ward picnic with water slides. We had a fun time, but had to leave early since apparently rain water is not acceptable even though water from a hose is fine. It was a pretty fun activity anyway.

There was also a float that some people had built for a parade which was torn apart by the rain and wind. Finally, since the kids have wanted to go through a car wash since time imemmorial we took them through one after the Saturday activity, and Rea reported afterward "That was even worse than I expected."


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