Cool Clothes

 Mike has a cold and is trying to sleep enough so he'll get better fast, so Alison is writing this. And I haven't actually written a blog post in ... a really long time. So we'll see how this goes.

I asked the kids what happened this week and Sara said, "Nah, this week was kinda boring." So that's what we're starting from. We did the normal stuff - school and playing with friends and cooking dinners and all. Other than that...

Wednesday Sara did her first audition for her theater class play The Lion King Jr. She's hoping to be Scar or one of the hyenas. She is enjoying the class a lot. Rea went with the Young Women to watch a few of the members of the older class in the local high school's production of Mama Mia! She said she liked it.

Rea is starting her science fair project for CC. She is working on decomposition and the zero waste movement. It's very cool. She's still writing her NaNo and making a bunch of hand-crafted gifts for Christmas. Her time management skills are impressive.

Tim has started playing chess against the computer. He's having fun.

Grandma Sheila and Papa Mike got back from Colorado and brought some hand-me-downs for the girls and some PJs Aunt Sheila made for the boys. They all love their new clothing!

Elsa is having lots of fun playing with our neighbor Nathan. They're almost always together. They get into a lot of trouble sometimes (making potions in the sink or pouring water all over the floor), but they have a lot of fun together.

Gideon is almost done with his reading book and is excited for a goal day party.

Alison has not been working on her NaNo lately. Hopefully she gets out of her slump soon and catches back up.

 Sara did a big party with her friends Corinne, Brooklyn, and Ellie yesterday. They all saved money and Amy took them shopping to buy gifts for each other. Then they came back to our shed for a party. Sara was very excited and had fun with it.

Mike is sick today, so hopefully he will write about what he's been doing next week.

Here is a picture of some of the new clothes:



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