The marshmallow cream trainwreck

This week we have been busily trying to get ready for christmas. We have all of the presents that we need and Alison did all of the shopping, so really we're pretty close now.

On Wednesday Mike was able to use some volunteer time off to go to The cannery at welfare square and help them can applesauce. He ended up canning about 15,000 pounds of applesauce. It was good, and he appreciates that guys work pays him for it.

On Wednesday we all went to the church because the activity dudes and young women (and men) were having a caroling activity. We had a fun time going around and singing and then ate cookies and drink hot taco after. Gideon and Elsa ended up going home early with Alison.

Thursday after dropping the kids off at Grandma Julie's house Alison went all over the entire valley to every store that exists in order to buy things in preparation for Christmas. (Alison wants me to add that it was only actually four stores.) Despite having gone everywhere she was still unable to find marshmallow cream at any of the stores that she went to. We have many amusing theories as to why all of the marshmallow cream in the salt lake valley has been purchased.

On Thursday night the kids all went to Grandma Julie's house and how to sleep over with the Rogers kids. Chauncey and Becky invited Alison and Mike over to watch a movie. The movie was called Oscar, and was quite hilarious. If you like farces we would recommend it.

Saturday we spent a lot of the day cleaning up the house to get ready for Christmas. The kids were not super happy about it, however, it was necessary.

Saturday evening the waters invited us over for a double birthday party for the twins (Sarah and Emma). We played some games ate soup had ice cream cake and talked and had a fun time. Gideon decided that we were done and he was ready to go home at about 7:00, so we didn't stay late.


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