Lance the Turtle

We missed writing last week apparently so, last week we did Halloween and probably did some other stuff too but I don't remember any of it. Elsa walked pretty good and kept up with us so we didn't have to split the group. Alison wanted Mike to stay home because he was feeling a little bit sick however since the group stay together we were okay.

Sara performed the Thriller with her class at the elementary school Halloween party. She's been practicing very hard, and she did a fabulous job. Alison and the younger kids went to watch her (Rea was at her coop and Mike was at a service project at the cannery). We were very impressed!

This week we celebrated Gideon's birthday. Gideon just turned eight, and we are very excited about that. Gideon got some cool Squirtles and other toys. Rea sewed him an amazing Squirtle plushy; Elsa absolutely loves it and carries it around and has it do school with her. Gideon is mostly very nice about this. He also got a stuffed frog with a Christmas hat; when you push its chest, it croaks Jingle Bells. He also got his favorite shark backpack. 

Mike also got the plans from the builder guys so now we can fire them and be the general contractors of our own job. He also made an attempt at winterizing the house since we have no heat and we didn't want the pipes to burst. 

This week in Rea's not-math class we started a new science unit about matter and energy, focused on zombie fires. We got to light a bunch of stuff on fire, which the girls were very excited for. Unfortunately, when we went outside to do it, it was snowing slightly We did it just fine on the porch, but it was cold. Still, we had a fun time.

Timmy had a bit of a rough second half of the week. He ended up being sick today, which may be why, but it was weird that getting sick gave him uncontrolled energy and a lack of emotional regulation. It was hard, but he slept most of today and hopefully he will be better soon.

Alison is feeling like Elsa really needs productive things to do, so she's thinking about trying Montessori again. Hopefully that will help.

Mike is programming a spell checker for Tim. Alison is defining all the spelling rules Tim knows so that the spell checker will only check for spellings that there's no way of knowing (most vowel sounds and things like -tion/-sion). It's really very complex and gives us a lot more respect for how hard it is for Tim to learn all this.


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