Calling all junk food!

Andrea is getting four more teeth. She seems to want to bite things all the time now. She loves the song "He's got the whole world in his hands" (which she invented a sign for - Baby, and then hand)

This week I have been really lazy. We made cookies last weekend, and then I got some meals for the missionaries on Monday, (we are feeding them and a Georgian guy tonight because we finally found a translator that speaks Georgian.)

We have been making frybread a lot recently - I don't know how the dough is made, but we flatten it, and then fry it on a skillet. It turns out very tasty - sweet or salt (depending on what is sprinkled over it.) I have had a bit of a sweet tooth recently, so it is nice that I can satiate that urge with whole wheat bread.

Speaking of sweet breads, (meaning breads that are sweet, not the other thing), Alison found a super tasty pancake recipe. It makes pancakes that taste vaguely like french bread. They are great off the griddle, or cold. Perhaps I will post the recipe some time.

I have been reading more Asimov non-fiction recently. He is quite an fun writer.

When Alison was reading to Andrea one day, Andrea pointed to the word dog and said and signed 'dog'. She did this multiple times on different instances of dog, so Alison decided to make slide shows for her to see other words. Power-point made it hard to randomize the slide order, so I wrote a program for her to make slide-shows.

I have also been preparing for another role playing session. They finally made it to the League of Worlds, and Department 7 was created. Hopefully the next session (Saturday morning) is fun.

This weekend we have stake conference. We didn't find a baby sitter yet for Saturday night (as far as I have heard) - If anyone wants to offer their help, I would appreciate it :).


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