Delayed Gratification

I reported a bug in Mozilla Firefox 5 years ago: (Someone else had reported it before me, but I also reported it). I got an email today that said that someone finally posted a fix for it. Too bad I stopped using Firefox years ago as well, or perhaps I would be happy about the fix.

A new version of dwarf fortress came out today as well... It is like they are trying to ruin my valentines day by making me play dwarf fortress on it :). A new version of Unnethack came out recently as well, but I haven't played it much.

Over the weekend I made some modifications to the Mandelbrot Set Viewer - It now can support Hilbert Set color schemes (as well as any arbitrary color scheme that you want to enter into it one color at a time.) The file that I am going to provide with the executable will be a modified Hilbert color scheme where the first iteration spirals around the outside of the cube (perhaps black, red, yellow, green, cyan, blue, magenta, white) instead of worms around the middle of the cube (black, red, yellow, green, cyan, white, magenta, blue) The benefit of this is continuous (and long) color schemes that go all the way through every possible 24 bit color

I like the banded look that the Hilbert color schemes supply.

We have been trying to stop calling Andrea a baby since she is going to have a little brother or sister soon, but it is hard. Two days ago it snowed and Andrea wanted to play in it, and I understand that she spent a decent amount of time yesterday outside as well. We made her a snowman, and she loves throwing snow for the dog to catch.

Some people say that shiitake mushrooms are awesome... I found them to be decent, but a little on the bland side. They are better than button mushrooms or portabello mushrooms, but if you want a stronger flavor, you have to go with an oyster mushroom or a maitake, (aka ram's head, or hen of the woods).


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