Hugging every cat

I have been reading "That Hideous Strength" by Lewis recently. It certainly is unusual. I can't say that I like it so much. Perhaps I should read more Wodehouse or something light.

This week we have been tending to a sick baby. Alison has gotten sick over the last weekend, and I am not feeling so good right now. Needless to say - you probably don't want to visit us right now.

We finished building the monkey bars. The now stand in our car port - straddling the front of the car. When it stops snowing for the year we will probably move them out to the back yard. Alison came up with a fun date idea - buy a kite at the 1$ store and fly it in the park. The wind was a bit strong, (or perhaps the kites were a bit weak) and we ended up with some broken kites. It was fun either way.

I have played two more games of Polynesia at work. I am now rewriting the rules document (As of yet no-one besides myself and my wife have read it, so if there is anyone out there who desires to help us out as a  proof reader I would appreciate it.)

We made more protein bars this last week. They are pretty good. We also made a trip to winco to buy some dried fruits for granola.

With Alison sick I have been making my own bread recently. I usually make whole wheat baguettes since they are quick and easy. Swee eats a baguette a day, wait that's me, but anyway, she doesn't care a thing about that.

It was Craig's birthday party yesterday. We drove up and had dinner with them. All of the extended Poulson family left immediately after the food was done (A bit strange, but it was a fun party either way.) I made a book cover image for the book that Craig and Alison have written and are getting published, but the publishers do not seem to be very helpful in their putting words on the cover, so I am making modifications to the image myself. (Not that I need much of an excuse to fire up old gimp)

I have been recently considering making a website that allows me to download pdf files to my kindle (so that I can read them) Perhaps I will go through with it this time, but it seems that the server that I have in my parent's basement is currently offline. Perhaps I will fix it up over conference weekend.


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