Prosthetic Foreheads

We have been building a set of monkey bars for Andrea recently. In this lovely weather it has been a treat to spend time outside doing manual labor. We have the ladder portion done, and the mounting hardware. All that remains is to attach the two of them together and lacquer it.

Andrea has been feeling sick for the last little bit. She has a congested sound to her cough. Hopefully she gets better soon.

I have been reading The Last Unicorn recently. It is funny (and quite quotable), but the writing style is not the best (in my opinion). Also, it feels like it is a huge allegory, but of what I cannot figure out. Additionally, the characters are not very deeply written. Why is it that I can't put it down?

We had another game of 42 Earths on Saturday. They finally started building up the X-Com type organization (Department 7), and traveled out to the alien home-world to talk with a neuro-programmer alien and attempt to convince him to be on their side, make them a mental virus to take out the replicator alien's organic robots, and also to build them prosthetic foreheads (everybody wants prosthetic foreheads on their real heads).

A friend recently pointed me toward kickstarter in order to fund the development of my card game. I had heard of it before, but never considered it as a source of funding. It seems like it could be useful to me, but not to make money to fund the development. I _could_ however imagine using it to fund a first printing run of the cards. That is, of course, once I am done playtesting it and tweaking it.


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