Goon Fairy

This weekend we went camping at the loop campground southwest of Grantsville. In order to get there we drove around those mountains that are west of the salt lake valley (on the north side), and then headed south. We got off of Mormon Trail road south of the Grantsville reservoir and traveled west up into the valley. The road changed from a paved road to a rocky dirt road after a while, but out Geo Prizm was able to make it, so it was not too rocky.

The campground ended up costing $14 a night (for 2 cars and up to 8 people), which was more than we thought it was, but still pretty reasonable. We were situated right next to a river that ran down the canyon, and there were three camp sites in the immediate vicinity (though they were all vacant save our own.) It was a very beautiful place considering the fact that it was located in Utah (but I guess that in the canyons it can actually be beautiful).

The campsite does not allow you to reserve a spot - you just have to drive up and hope that they are not all full - so that is a downside. (if we had driven that far out and not gotten any site that would have sucked.) It rained lightly in the night and into the next morning, but that is not a big problem (growing up in Michigan we had far worse camp-outs in terms of rain on a regular basis.)

Also, Rusty was allowed on the site.

Saturday we came home (but made a extended detour up to the hill air-force base to see the air show (as part of celebrating Alison's birthday))

Concerning the airshow: it was miserable weather, but the show itself was pretty interesting. There was one guy who could stall his plane out in a way that allowed him to slowly descend straight down while spinning.

On Sunday the Peruvian Park ward held a baptismal service which I planned. It went pretty well (though I forgot to put out hymnals, so all the non-members had a hard time singing the first song.)

On Monday we made a mozzarella and cleaned up from the weekend.

I read The Practice Effect by David Brin last week. The characters were fairly interesting, but the departure from reality in the book seemed fairly well thought out, and the social implications that he had occur because of the 'practice effect' were fairly believable. It was interesting.

I have been reading Making Money by Terry Pratchett this week. Making Money is the only of his books (in the Diskworld universe) that I have not read yet. It has proven to be fairly interesting so far (and funny, but that is expected.)

Andrea thinks that the good fairy in 'Little Bunny Foo Foo' is actually the Goon Fairy

Watching this video it is obvious that she was saying "Goon tomorrow" at the end.

 She has been doing well. She is looking forward to the birth of Sara. She likes sitting in Sara's bed and pretending that her doll is baby Sara.

We just got seven strawberries and two pea pods from our garden. They were tasty. It seems like we will be getting more strawberries soon. Hopefully Andrea lets them grow up before she eats them all :).


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