The start of morels - 2018
Another week has passed. Alison got a new bike this week. She is trying to figure out how to bike around four kids, and was hoping that having a bike with a higher seat would allow her to attach a trail-a-bike to it, which would mean that she could carry two kids along behind her on her bike. It doesn't seem like it is going to work, however, and she might end up just hauling the kids in the bike trailer like in previous years. Wednesday was Rea's date night. She chose to have a fire, read books, and have a dessert. It was fun. This week Rea and Sara went to theater camp to prepare for a play that they put on on Saturday. It was The ugly duckling. They said their lines clearly, and spoke toward the audience most of the time. They did very well. At the same time, Alison, Timmy, and Gideon waited outside for them, and got good naps. Grandpa Mike and Grandma Sheila came over to Utah this week, so we were able to spend some time with them on Friday and Saturday. We watc...
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