Three Burritos Tired

Having a weekend with no Sunday meetings is an amazing thing. We should have fifth Sundays more often. They allow for more naps.

Andrea told me on Sunday that she wants to grow up to 'be a Rusty'... I am not quite sure what I think of that.

Sara has been sleeping well for the last few days. She is a pretty happy baby. Perhaps even easier than Andrea was at her age.

UnNethack has slowed down its release schedule recently (Which means that I am getting bored waiting for updates on when another release will be forthcoming.) I have (briefly) considered making my own version of Nethack. The thing that causes me to have presentiments about that is that the code is horrible to behold, and I am not really keen on delving into it.

I have sleeved all of the Polynesia cards - everything is ready for our first time playing Polynesia with a real deck this weekend.

I just finished 'A Brief History of Time' (which I have not (surprisingly) read before). It was interesting, but a lot of the things in it were rather dated. I suppose that that is what I get for not having read it sooner.

On a final note, I recall a time in college where I began to measure everything in the unit of burritos.


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