Tired times
I haven't posted in a while because of supreme busyness (or, as Milne would write it Supreme Busyness).
This last week we bought three kinds of grapes at sunflower market: black, red, and green. Black grapes are pretty good - tart with a harder skin. Though they aren't directly analogous to the wild grapes of Michigan (being large and seedless and sweeter by far), they do remind me of them (the days spent picking them by the bunch and eating them (for years afterward just the thought of those grapes would make my mouth water (because the sourness of the grapes required a lot of saliva to raise the PH to a manageable level.)))
The thing about sunflower market is that they have excellent quality produce, but it is fairly expensive. In order to get you in to the store they sell one thing at a highly competitive price each week, Wednesday to Wednesday. The current sale is cherries - 99 cents a pound. I would highly recommend that anyone in the salt lake area go and get some.
Unfortunately we did not get to eat all of these grapes while they were fresh because we had to rust to the hospital on Thursday for the birth of Sara - our second daughter. Since people care about numbers, she was 6 lbs, 13 oz and 20 inches at birth (which makes her approximately the same length as Andrea, and half a lb lighter).
Sara is different than Andrea (though you probably guessed that). She squeaks a lot (a vocalization that Andrea never tried out). She can easily push herself with someone bracing her feet (and even move a few inches without anyone bracing her). She already poops in the potty (entirely with our help, but she knows that if we take her diaper off and hold her over something, then it is time to do it). She looks more like Aunt Sumi than she looks like Alison or Myself. She likes to be held close to the body, facing inward. She has a strong grab reflex, and can hold her body weight (Andrea can only barely do that now). She likes tummy time. She keeps her fists in boxer position all the time (apparently she knows that the world is a tough place).
I have been staying home to help Alison, Andrea, and Sara adjust to each other.
During that time, I also:
Read 'The House of Many Ways' - Which was by the same author (Dianna Wynne Jones) that 'Howls Moving Castle' and 'Castle in the Sky' was by. It was a fairly interesting book - definately a light read, but the characterization of all of the various people was fairly complex, and I had not figured out the plot twist until the end of the story, so that is good.
Started reading 'How to eat fried worms' with Alison. I read it as a kid, but parts of it are funnier as an adult, and you need to do something during all those baby feeding moments.
Played some UnNethack
Went to church with Andrea (While Alison stayed home with Sara) and did some home teaching with Andrea.
We went to Poulsons for 24th of July, and saw some fireworks in the evening instead of coming straight home. Andrea told us that she wanted to catch them, and after telling her that they were too hot, she said "I can pretend to catch them", and them made catching gestures.
Andrea likes scripture time (most of the time) because Alison is a genius and found a book that explains it in terms that she can understand. We have been reading about Ammon and the arm chopping recently, and a new game that we play is scattering and gathering sheep (most of the sheep are toy pillows, and scattering them involves throwing them around the room, and gathering them involves piling them up in a heap on the futon)
My Polynesia cards arrived (though I technically can't open them till the 5th of August since that is my birthday and they are birthday gifts. I have posted here a summation of my experiences with the printing.)
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