Destroying Angel
The curds set up well, and we cut it without incident. What makes a derby a derby is a pseudo cheddaring process that the curds go through. You put them on a cutting board and cover them with a warm towel. Every 15 minutes you turn them over, and eventually they become about the hardness of a hard boiled egg.
It turned out pretty good so far. We also made some ricotta out of the whey (and some 'gatorade' out of the whey after the ricotta was removed).
Andrea has been behaving in a very headstrong fasion recently. Perhaps it has something to do with Sara being here, but perhaps it is her impending second birthday.
Sara's nose has not yet completely cleared up from her cold. It seems like she has had a stuffy nose forever. She is breathing better, just not perfectly.
My card game is still moving toward completion (however slowly). I am happy with how trading works for the first time - I just have to play test it more. I also have to consider what modifications have to be made to the Gods and Strategies to make trading seem more like a real part of the game and less like a tacked on part.
This weekend we are having another baptism. Basically my job is to print stuff, conduct, and fill the font. Filling the font takes 3 hours, and since the primary has an activity that day I will be hanging out in the church alone. If anyone wants to come over and play Polynesia (or any game), feel free to.
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