Mostly about board games

This last week was a busy one. We decided that we would have a garage sale on Saturday, so we culled all of our books. We ended up with hundreds of books (they wouldn't all fit on a table), some board games,  some of Andrea's clothes (we had been given so many clothes that we hadn't even had a chance to put her in since she grew so fast), some NES games, and some toys.

On Thursday I posted some ads online for the sale, and in a few hours someone had called and offered to buy all of the NES games. He came over that night and bought them for $50. Friday someone in Texas somewhere told me online that they would buy Twilight Imperium off of me for $50 + shipping, but I told him I didn't want to ship it, so if it didn't sell during the sale then I would mail it to him.

The sale started Saturday morning and we had someone show up right away and ask for the NES games (which were all already sold). Some lady bought about 100 books, and got the 'bulk discount' ($5 for a box full) We had a lot of people come throughout the day, and we made a fair amount of money. There were three people who just came through to buy things and resell them - they probably made a decent amount of money off of us, but they had to spend hours posting the books online and shipping them to who knows where, and I just had to sit in my front yard for a while reading a book I was about to sell.

I ended up selling Twilight Imperium. I love the game, but I can never get anyone to play it with me (because it takes too many hours). Becca Westwood (The younger sister of a girl I dated in college) bought it. She recognized me, and we eventually figured out how we knew each other. It was a fun game, and I mourn its passing, but I know that it is time to get rid of it. What this means to me is that I don't have to ship the game to Texas.

Sunday we had Sara blessed. Everyone came to our ward, and then we went over to the Poulsons after church was over. We had a big meal and some fun. We played 'Polynesia' and 'Wise or Otherwise'. 'Wise or Otherwise' is not really my style of game, but I did win by guessing that "threshing corn is no job for ____" was supposed to be completed by the words "a goat".

That is funny because Alison and I were the only ones to get that one right.

The goats are doing ok. Lala is still noisy. She doesn't seem to be smart enough for a bark collar to work on her. We are trying to figure out how to quiet her down.

Yesterday we rearranged the house and moved all the board games out to the front room. It looks decent, and hopefully we will remember to play more games together.

I found out today that I won a copy of Galaxy Trucker in a contest that I entered. I am told that it is a good game. Hopefully it really is :). When I play it I will post a review here.


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