The Week
This last week would be hard to describe in one sentence (or with one adjective).
Monday was a holiday. We mostly stayed home and did family things as I recall.
Tuesday nothing of real import happened.
Wednesday I was informed that I was going to be laid off from my job on Friday. I drove home early and told Alison and then started the job hunt. As of yet I have not lined up a new job, but I have had a reasonable amount of interviews and quite a few people emailing me for information. Hopefully I am able to locate a good job at a good company before too long. The severance package that I was offered was quite adequate that I am sure that I can find a job before we run out of money - I just don't like being without work.
In losing my job I also lost my computer and my access to the internet. I am borrowing my wife's netbook until I can get a new computer shipped to me and hanging around at various places (families houses and library for the most part) to get internet access.
Thursday I went back to work and mostly job hunted (though I also had one scheduled job interview that fell through because of a freezing rain). In the evening my new Polynesia cards that I ordered from PrinterStudio arrived.
I had tried to order them from SuperiorPOD in November, but since they haven't arrived, I contested the charges through PayPal, and I should be getting my money back soon.
The PrinterStudio versions of the cards were much lighter than the SuperiorPOD versions, so I am going to have to reduce the lightness of the cards (I made them lighter because SuperiorPOD was printing them too dark). The cutting accuracy was lower than that of SuperiorPOD, so I will have to make them full bleed, but they did ship in less than a week, and that beats multiple months any day of the week. The cards were fairly thick, and they felt a little plasticy. I imagine that if I had ordered the more fancy finishing option they would seem more normal.
The images that you see to the right are obviously of the new cards. In the first you see a fairly typical setup (my wife and I played a constrained game (wherein we took our starting hands, were forced to draw from each deck once and we got one turn to play all of the cards) to get that image), the second is an image taken which shows the new expansion symbols that were added to the cards not from the base game, and the third image shows just about how far off the cards were cut (you can see the white border is different sizes and shapes in all of the cards.)
Friday I job hunted some more, and had a farewell lunch. It was a really great work environment and I will miss it.
Saturday, since I wasn't doing any job hunting, I mucked out the goat shed. I would estimate that I removed 3 cubic yards of material (which was originally compressed and about 6 inches deep). I am thinking that this stuff (which is mostly straw, goat manure, and chicken manure) would be good to cover over our gardens. It seems like it would fertilize as well as keep in moisture.
Saturday we also had a baptism in our ward. It went really well (after it started. Getting the font filled was a whole different matter.)
Sunday was fairly normal - I did get a nap (which is always super awesome when it actually happens). In the day we got rain, and in the evening we got a whole lot of snow. It probably added up to 1.5 ft. I love precipitation, so that is not a bad thing. Additionally, the more snow that we have now the less likely we are to run out of water in the summer. (That is assuming that I do not move out of state, which is certainly a possibility) if I don't find a good job fairly quickly.
Finally, I have been participating in a Math Trade at Board Game Geek. A Math Trade is where everyone takes things that they would like to trade away and posts descriptions of them online.At a set time the posting ends and everyone gets to enter info about what they would be willing to trade for the entries that they posted. After that is all done a computer program calculates what trades should be made to maximize the number of people that end up trading things. It ends when SaltCon starts and we all hand in our stuff over to whoever we are supposed to, and get the stuff that we have traded for. I hope to get rid of a few games that I failed to sell at my garage sale, and pick up some cool 'new' (to me at least) games.
Monday was a holiday. We mostly stayed home and did family things as I recall.
Tuesday nothing of real import happened.
Wednesday I was informed that I was going to be laid off from my job on Friday. I drove home early and told Alison and then started the job hunt. As of yet I have not lined up a new job, but I have had a reasonable amount of interviews and quite a few people emailing me for information. Hopefully I am able to locate a good job at a good company before too long. The severance package that I was offered was quite adequate that I am sure that I can find a job before we run out of money - I just don't like being without work.
In losing my job I also lost my computer and my access to the internet. I am borrowing my wife's netbook until I can get a new computer shipped to me and hanging around at various places (families houses and library for the most part) to get internet access.
I had tried to order them from SuperiorPOD in November, but since they haven't arrived, I contested the charges through PayPal, and I should be getting my money back soon.
Friday I job hunted some more, and had a farewell lunch. It was a really great work environment and I will miss it.
Saturday, since I wasn't doing any job hunting, I mucked out the goat shed. I would estimate that I removed 3 cubic yards of material (which was originally compressed and about 6 inches deep). I am thinking that this stuff (which is mostly straw, goat manure, and chicken manure) would be good to cover over our gardens. It seems like it would fertilize as well as keep in moisture.
Saturday we also had a baptism in our ward. It went really well (after it started. Getting the font filled was a whole different matter.)
Sunday was fairly normal - I did get a nap (which is always super awesome when it actually happens). In the day we got rain, and in the evening we got a whole lot of snow. It probably added up to 1.5 ft. I love precipitation, so that is not a bad thing. Additionally, the more snow that we have now the less likely we are to run out of water in the summer. (That is assuming that I do not move out of state, which is certainly a possibility) if I don't find a good job fairly quickly.
Finally, I have been participating in a Math Trade at Board Game Geek. A Math Trade is where everyone takes things that they would like to trade away and posts descriptions of them online.At a set time the posting ends and everyone gets to enter info about what they would be willing to trade for the entries that they posted. After that is all done a computer program calculates what trades should be made to maximize the number of people that end up trading things. It ends when SaltCon starts and we all hand in our stuff over to whoever we are supposed to, and get the stuff that we have traded for. I hope to get rid of a few games that I failed to sell at my garage sale, and pick up some cool 'new' (to me at least) games.
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