
Here is the Haskell code that I wrote to make a neural network. Next I will train it to play Tic tac toe.

Here starts Neuron.hs

module NeuralNetwork.Neuron where

import Data.Binary
import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq

data Node = Neuron { bias :: Double, priors :: [Int], weights :: [Double], hidden :: Bool } |
            Input { value :: Double } deriving (Show, Eq)
instance Binary Node where
    put (Neuron{bias = bias, priors = priors, weights = weights, hidden = hidden}) =
        do put (0 :: Word8); put bias; put priors; put weights; put hidden
    put (Input{value = value}) = do put (1 :: Word8); put value
    get = do t <- get :: Get Word8
             case t of
                  0 -> do b <- get; p <- get; w <- get; h <- get;
                          return Neuron {bias = b, priors = p, weights = w, hidden = h}
                  1 -> do value <- get;
                          return Input {value = value}

adjustWeights :: [Double] -> Double -> Node -> Node
adjustWeights inputs error (Neuron b p w h) =
    let w' = zipWith (+) (fmap (*error) inputs) w
        b' = b + error
        in Neuron b' p w' h
adjustWeights _ _ n = n

result :: Seq.Seq Double -> Node -> Double
result _ (Input value) = value
result values node = transferFunction $ rawResult values node

rawResult :: Seq.Seq Double -> Node -> Double
rawResult values (Neuron b p w _) = b + sum (zipWith (*) (fmap (Seq.index values) p) w)
rawResult _ (Input value) = value

transferFunction :: (Floating a) => a -> a
transferFunction x = 1/(1+exp(-x))

Here starts NeuralNetwork

module NeuralNetwork.NeuralNetwork
     makeNetwork) where

import qualified Data.Foldable as Foldable
import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
import NeuralNetwork.Neuron
import Data.Binary
import System.Random

data NeuralNetwork = NeuralNetwork { nodes :: [Node] } deriving (Show, Eq)
instance Binary NeuralNetwork where
    put NeuralNetwork{nodes = nodes} = do put nodes
    get = do nodes <- get; return NeuralNetwork {nodes = nodes}

inputNodes :: NeuralNetwork -> [Node]
inputNodes NeuralNetwork {nodes = nodes} = [v | v@Input {} <- nodes]

outputNodes :: NeuralNetwork -> [Node]
outputNodes NeuralNetwork {nodes = nodes} =
    [x | x@(Neuron {}) <- nodes, not (hidden x)]

replaceInputNodes :: NeuralNetwork -> [Node] -> NeuralNetwork
replaceInputNodes NeuralNetwork {nodes = nodes} newI =
    NeuralNetwork $ newI ++ (drop (length newI) nodes)

newInputNodes :: NeuralNetwork -> [Double] -> NeuralNetwork
newInputNodes n values = replaceInputNodes n $ makeInputs (length values) values

generateVariant :: (RandomGen g) => (Int, Double, Double, g) -> NeuralNetwork -> NeuralNetwork
generateVariant (chance, min, max, g) NeuralNetwork {nodes = nodes} =
    let nLength = length nodes
        doIts = take nLength $ randomRs (1, chance) g
        rndds = drop nLength $ randomRs (min, max) g
        rnds = (doIts, rndds) in
        NeuralNetwork $ varyNodes rnds nodes

varyNodes :: ([Int], [Double]) -> [Node] -> [Node]
varyNodes _ [] = []
varyNodes (1 : ds, rs) (Neuron b p w h : xs) =
    let w' = zipWith (+) w rs
        rs' = drop (length w) rs in
        Neuron b p w' h : varyNodes (ds, rs') xs
varyNodes (_ : ds, rs) (x : xs) = x : varyNodes (ds, rs) xs

propigateErrors :: [Double] -> NeuralNetwork -> [Double]
propigateErrors expected network@(NeuralNetwork nodes) =
    let actual = results network
        outputDeltas = zipWith (-) expected actual
        missingDeltas = length nodes - length outputDeltas
        deltas = take missingDeltas (repeat 0) ++ outputDeltas
        nds = zip nodes deltas in
        foldErrors [] nds

foldErrors :: [Double] -> [(Node, Double)] -> [Double]
foldErrors es [] = es
foldErrors es ns =
    let (n, e) = last ns
        p = case n of Neuron _ p _ _ -> p
                      _ -> []
        w = case n of Neuron _ _ w _ -> w
                      _ -> []
        seq = Seq.fromList (init ns)
        pws = zip p w
        mrs = munge seq pws e
        ns' = Foldable.toList mrs
        in foldErrors (e : es) ns'

munge :: Seq.Seq (Node, Double) -> [(Int, Double)] -> Double -> Seq.Seq (Node, Double)
munge ns [] _ = ns
munge ns ((p, w) : pws) e =
    let n = Seq.index ns p
        n' = (fst n, snd n + e * w)
        ns' = Seq.update p n' ns in
        munge ns' pws e

errorCorrect :: [Double] -> Double -> NeuralNetwork -> NeuralNetwork
errorCorrect expected learnRate n =
    let errors = propigateErrors expected n
        outputs = allResults n in
        NeuralNetwork . reverse $ adjustAllWeights (nodes n) errors outputs learnRate

adjustAllWeights :: [Node] -> [Double] -> [Double] -> Double -> [Node]
adjustAllWeights [] _ _ _ = []
adjustAllWeights nodes es os learnRate =
    let error = last es
        output = last os
        n = last nodes
        p = case n of Neuron _ p _ _ -> p
                      _ -> []
        inputs = getItems (Seq.fromList os) p
        derivative = output * (1 - output)
        errorMash = error * derivative * learnRate
        n' = adjustWeights inputs errorMash n
        in (n' : adjustAllWeights (init nodes) (init es) (init os) learnRate)

getItems :: Seq.Seq a -> [Int] -> [a]
getItems s [] = []
getItems s (x:xs) = Seq.index s x : getItems s xs

allResults :: NeuralNetwork -> [Double]
allResults NeuralNetwork {nodes = n} =
    let (all, results) =
         foldl resultFold (Seq.fromList [], Seq.fromList []) n in
    Foldable.toList all

results :: NeuralNetwork -> [Double]
results NeuralNetwork {nodes = n} =
    let (all, results) =
         foldl resultFold (Seq.fromList [], Seq.fromList []) n in
    Foldable.toList results

resultFold :: (Seq.Seq Double, Seq.Seq Double) -> Node -> (Seq.Seq Double, Seq.Seq Double)
resultFold (all, outs) x@(Neuron b p w False) =
    let r = result all x in
    (all Seq.|> r, outs Seq.|> r)
resultFold (all, outs) x =
    let r = result all x in
    (all Seq.|> r, outs)

makeInputs :: Int -> [Double] -> [Node]
makeInputs n xs = foldr (\x acc -> Input x : acc) [] (take n xs)

makeHiddens :: [Double] -> [Int] -> Int -> Int -> ([Node], Int, Int, [Double])
makeHiddens r [] s l = ([], s, l, r)
makeHiddens rnd (x:xs) start length =
    let (list, lStart, lLength, rndOut) =
            (makeHiddens (drop (length * x) rnd) xs (start + length) x) in
        (makeNeurons x rnd start length True ++ list, lStart, lLength, rndOut)

makeNeurons :: Int -> [Double] -> Int -> Int -> Bool -> [Node]
makeNeurons 0 _ _ _ _ = []
makeNeurons n gen start length hidden =
    Neuron 1 [start..start+length-1] (take length gen) hidden :
     makeNeurons (n - 1) (drop length gen) start length hidden

emptyNetwork :: [Int] -> NeuralNetwork
emptyNetwork layerLengths = makeNetwork (repeat 1) layerLengths

randomNetwork :: (RandomGen g) => (Double, Double, g) -> [Int] -> NeuralNetwork
randomNetwork (min, max, g) layerLengths =
    makeNetwork (randomRs (min, max) g) layerLengths

makeNetwork :: [Double] -> [Int] -> NeuralNetwork
makeNetwork gen layerLengths =
    let inputs = head layerLengths
        (hiddens, start, length, genOut) =
                    makeHiddens gen (tail (init layerLengths)) 0 inputs in
            NeuralNetwork (makeInputs inputs (repeat 1) ++
                                      hiddens ++
                                      makeNeurons (last layerLengths) gen start length False)

The following code would allow you to make a Neural network

import System.Environmentimport Codec.Compression.GZip
import NeuralNetwork.NeuralNetwork
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as C
import Data.Binary
import System.Random
import System.Exit

main = do
    args <- getArgs  --[String]
    progName <- getProgName  --String
    handleInputs (length args) args progName

handleInputs :: Int -> [String] -> String -> IO ()
handleInputs count inputs prog
    | count < 5 = do
        putStrLn $ "Usage " ++ prog ++ " outFileName minWeight maxWeight inputCount [hiddenCount] outputCount"
        exitWith (ExitFailure 1)
    | otherwise = do
        gen <- getStdGen --Random
        let fileName = inputs !! 0
        let min = read $ inputs !! 1 :: Double
        let max = read $ inputs !! 2 :: Double
        let nodes = fmap (\x -> read x :: Int) (drop 3 inputs)
        let n = randomNetwork (min, max, gen) nodes
        let t = compress (encode n)
        C.writeFile fileName t

The following code would allow you to run a neural network

import System.Environmentimport Codec.Compression.GZip
import NeuralNetwork.NeuralNetwork
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as C
import Data.Binary
import System.IO
import System.Exit
import Control.Monad

main = do
    hSetBuffering stdin NoBuffering
    hSetBuffering stdout NoBuffering
    args <- getArgs  --[String]
    progName <- getProgName  --String
    handleInputs (length args) args progName

handleInputs :: Int -> [String] -> String -> IO ()
handleInputs count inputs prog
    | count < 1 = do
        putStrLn $ "Usage " ++ prog ++ " inFileName"
        exitWith (ExitFailure 1)
    | otherwise = do
        let fileName = inputs !! 0
        f <- C.readFile fileName
        let n = decode (decompress f) :: NeuralNetwork
        forever $ do
            i <- getLine
            let values = fmap (\x -> read x :: Double) $ words i
            let n' = newInputNodes n values
            putStrLn . unwords $ fmap (\x -> show x) (results n')


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