Tapely, and much more.

Andrea invented a new game today. It is named 'Tapely'. This is how she explained the rules:
"One person holds a rubber hose. The other person holds a broken Easter egg."
After getting a broken Easter egg (Rea was already holding a rubber hose) Alison asked what happened after that. Rea's response was:
"I bop with the hose and you throw the egg"
We played it once and Andrea said
"Lets play Burpley"
Which has the same rules except that it was played with a rubber hose and a burp cloth.

Sara learned the word 'up' this week. She is very proud of it, and she says 'up', points to the ceiling, and then looks up. If we do not acknowledge her genius, she screeches.

We had an Easter egg hunt at the brown's house Sara got one egg, and immediately started gnawing on the plastic shell. Rea got a lot of eggs, but we didn't let her eat all of the candy in one setting. We are going to ration it out to her.

Alison and I have been playing Dominion Dark Ages (I actually found a reasonable use for rats, which is pretty surprising. It involves Procession and a good five cost card. Death cart cleans up the remainders).

Alison has been studying Japanese in preparation for our trip, and I found a application on my phone that claims to translate English to Japanese and the reverse. It can take pictures and OCR them, listen to speech, and accept text input. Hopefully it works well. We have also been studying key phrases such as "Where is this" (when gesturing to a address) and "Speak more slowly please"

Sara is now saying 'out', 'in' and pulling things out of a box and putting them back in. We don't know if she actually understands what they mean, but she is definitely mimicking words and sounds.

We made a batch of mozzarella which turned out pretty good. I have mostly given up on mozzarella, but Alison is still brave. Since we are going to Japan next week we will have to just grate it and freeze it to put over a pizza.

I have also been working on a neural network in Haskell for a while. It now works properly (and can train using error back propagation). I will now teach it to play an unbeatable game of Tic Tac Toe. More on this next post (Anyone who is not technical can completely ignore that one if you are not interested.)

My next post after that might just be written from Japan.


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