Jay Walking De Vil

The Dancing Robots website is still being improved pretty much every day. Here is a link to it for those who have not looked at it. I would be especially appreciative of any people who are willing to play it and tell me what they thought about the interface. If anyone is interested, tell me when you will be online and we can play a game. Alternatively you can play against a mediocre AI which I have programmed.

I am currently negotiating the commission of temporary artwork for my Dancing Robots cards. If the artwork turns out really good, I might try to use it for the final cards, but my current goal is to quiet the complaints of some of my more visually oriented playtesters/QA coworkers.

This Friday we went to 'Charlie's Aunt' at the Off Broadway Theatre. It was hilarious. If you are in the Salt Lake area and want to have a cheap, fun date I would highly recommend it. I especially liked the performance of the butler and Lord Fancourt Babberley (AKA Charlie's Aunt from Brazil - where the nuts come from!).

We hunted for milkweed on Saturday under the impression that it was edible. We came back with a moderate size collection of pods, but they didn't seem very edible to us even after we boiled them. Perhaps we got ones that were too old.

Just recently whenever we start saying a prayer Sara yells 'Amen'. if it weren't so disruptive to the prayer, I would say that it was a good thing.

Recently Sara and Rea have had a lot of fun sitting in milk crates. They both do it fairly often. Once Alison caught Sara reading herself a book while sitting in a milk crate full of books. Just yesterday as I tried to put the girls down for a nap Rea tried to take a nap in a crate. It was very cute, but she had a hard time falling asleep because it didn't look very comfortable.

Speaking of sleeping uncomfortably, last night Sara started crying in the middle of the night and Alison found her laying in her bed with her head laying on the floor (remember that their mattresses are on pallets on the floor.)

Just today I asked Sara to give Alison some raisins, and she proudly walked over to Alison with them in hand. Right as Alison reached for them, however, Sara shoved them all into her mouth (With a huge smile on her face (Which made it all the more cute)).

Finally, Cruella De Vil: The Game. Well, really, Cruella De Vil's family. Alison and I came up with this late one night. It started with the idea of making everyone choose a Cruella De Vil-esque name, but there had to be more to the game than that. So everyone gets assigned an interest (Cruella's was furs) and someone who "wronged" you (the Dearlys refusing to sell the puppies). You have to come up with a nefarious scheme to get revenge on your enemy while also leveraging your interest to make you millions (steal and buy Dalmation puppies and skin them and start a line of Dalmation fur coats)! Then the next player figures out how to foil you (the dogs are intelligent and communicate to stop you) and you cry, "Foiled again!" Then it's the next player's turn.  It sounds funny.  Maybe late some night we'll actually play it.


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