Apparently Goats are Stupid

On last Monday we had a family night in which we went on an Easter Walk. An Easter walk is a walk where you try to find things that remind you of Christ's Atonement in specific ways (stones that remind you of the tomb, wood that reminds you of the cross, a living thing reminding you that Christ is alive still, etc). Ever since then without exception the girls think that we need to do an Easter walk every day. It has been really nice weather, so this is OK.

On last Tuesday we had a big stake missionary meeting. Everyone was invited. Rea and Sara came as well, but they were surprisingly well behaved for a two hour meeting at the end of a long day.

You already know of the events of Wednesday and Thursday, but on Friday Alison and I played Pandemic for the first time. It was pretty fun (I got it in the math trade at SaltCon, so I was hoping that it would be good). It is a cooperative game against the board. We won (Which Alison always likes on the first time that we play cooperative games together.) Perhaps we will play Arkham Horror next.

Saturday and Sunday we went to General Conference. It was very good this year. The themes that we saw were: Obedience, Scripture Study, Prayer, Boldness in standing up for your beliefs, Helping others. When asked what Rea noticed during conference, her answer was "Following Jesus".

She was pretty attentive during the conference. We were impressed to learn that she recognized "King of Kings" as a name of Christ. We were giving her jelly beans every time she heard the speaker mention a name of Christ. Sara tried to join in on the game (mostly by yelling "Sara too!" when Rea heard a name), but she wasn't very good at hearing the speaker; the only way she could catch the names was when Mike repeated every sentence the speaker said.  Then she noticed some of them.  But she didn't have the patience to listen for long, so she just tried to climb up and grab jelly beans when she thought we wouldn't stop her.

We got Clarabel back last night, and since she has been back they have all (they meaning the goats, not the humans or the chickens) been trying to reestablish their pecking order. This involves a lot of head butting. Literally. Lala headbutts Clarabel who pretends to headbutt the baby goat. It is stupid of them. Apparently goats are stupid.

Max the doll has been renamed to Blup. Sara must be ready for this baby to come. She likes making Blup special beds and putting him to sleep. Also, Blup is head down (The real baby Blup, not the doll). Alison is happy not to have to do any ridiculous exercises to get him to turn.

Finally, Today the girls found a new park and got sun burned while playing in a creek. It was fun for all involved (as long as it was going on). Alison thinks that we need to break out the sun screen.


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