The Cadpig

I came hone today to find that Clarabel had just given birth to two baby goats.
They were born between five and five twenty. Alison didn't see them at five when she looked out, but when I arrived home they were just there.
Having never seen goats within minutes of their birth I was surprised at how slimy they were.
There are two of them, a larger black male one and a smaller black and white female one. Both fall over a lot.
It is really funny to see them fall over.
The Brown kid that lala had (which we are still holding for the buyers) is making himself a nuisance. He chases the chickens all over and jumps over the younger kids (frustrating Clarabel to no end). A very energetic goat. 
He also tries to beat up the chickens, but the gray one and the black ones scare him away. 
I accidentally called the girl goat the 'cadpig', which is one of the dogs in One Hundred and One Dalmatians. Rea thinks that is it's name now, which is not something we were going for. We are hoping she will forget the name. 


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