Happy Birthday to Mommy

I have been having an allergic reaction to something. It really looks a lot like poison ivy, but I can't figure out where I could have come in contact with poison ivy recently. Alison thinks that it might be from the goat's hay, but I can't imagine how poison ivy could get into hay. Either way, it is itchy and annoying.

Friday Alison and I got a baby sitter for the girls and went out to get sushi. We had yaki soba (with less barbecue sauce than you would get in osaka), crunch rolls, and dragon rolls. Our choices mainly were selected based on the fact that we couldn't have raw fish with Alison being pregnant.

We also had some seaweed jello, bean paste, ice cream a fruit for dessert. It was very traditional. We need to make some bean paste pancakes some time. They are so good!

Alison's Birthday was yesterday. We celebrated it by opening presents, having a barbecue, and not going to the zoo. The Zoo was originally in our plans, but we ended up changing them because the morning was so rainy.

Also in recognition of Alison's birthday we sang 'happy birthday to you' so many times that Rea got sick of it. Sara still sang with zest and zeal, though. It was pretty funny. After we put them to bed they were singing it to each other at the top of their lungs. The joys of parenting :).

In recognition of my growing popularity on the internet, I received a playtester's copy of Tasty Minstrel Games' new game "Harbour". Alison and I have played it a few times so far, and it seems pretty fun. My full thoughts are here.

Rea really liked the artwork on the Ranch card. She got so into the game that she dressed up as a pirate.

As I have been thinking about number reform recently, I decided to end with my thoughts on the English numbering system.

Certain number's names are incorrect (they do not follow reasonable patterns). Were I in the position to change all the numbers to numbers of my choosing (which I know is an impossible thing, but I wish it were possible) I would change the following:
10 becomes onety
11 becomes onety-one
12 becomes onety-two
13 becomes onety-three
14 becomes onety-four
15 becomes onety-five
16 becomes onety-six
17 becomes onety-seven
18 becomes onety-eight
19 becomes onety-nine
20 becomes twoty
30 becomes threety
40 becomes fourty
50 becomes fivety
All other numbers remain unchanged.


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