Stung on the Tummy

This week Rea began to read multiple books a day. They are still  pretty short, but she is getting much faster at reading them, and likes to read them for fun. We are excited for this to happen.

On Friday we watched Max for Sheila and Scott. They were celebrating Scott's birthday. Max climbed up a tree by himself (I was quite surprised that he was able to.) We went inside and I told him and Rea that I was a pirate, and I showed them my Map and gave them each a gold coin (telling them that we had to pick a good place to hide our gold coins). Rea hid her gold coin under her bed.

This week Sara has begun to tell longer stories than she has in the past. She told a story yesterday that she made up. It went something like this:
"Sara tinkled in the potty and then Max carried her and they went outside and caught bees and bees and bees and then Sara and Max got stung on the tummy and then Max fell of the monkey bars and got hurt and cried and had to go home."

For the first time in a while we made decent mozzarella. Alison asked for a PH meter for her birthday and we got one for her. PH measurements are important for making mozzarella, and she likes mozzarella more than I do, so it makes sense that she would ask for it.

On Saturday we also planted tomatoes and peppers in our back yard. We now have three types of leaf veggites planted as well as tomatoes, radishes, and peppers. As we were planting everything out I found the first scotch bonnets of the year in our back yard.

We had a game night on Friday with people from our ward.  We played Dancing Robots and Witch Hunt (the newest game I have been working on). Both games were fairly well received. We have this game night on a monthly basis. It is good to have a regular game night again.


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