The Belated Bulletin
I have been printing up the 240 twist counter order that I received. I ran out of filament on Friday, and had to order more. I am not done with all of the counters yet, but I have completed 175 of them.
Thursday grandma Sheila offered to watch the kids, so we went out to dinner and had a walk in a park. It was nice.
We went to see Fiddler on the Roof on Friday. It was excellent. We took the Poulsons and the Browns out to see it with us, and we had a good time. I would highly recommend it to anyone that has not seen it.
I have been reading about an ancient German permaculture technique called hugelkultur as part of doing research for my space game, so on Saturday we made a hugelkultur in our front yard. We have planted it with beans and are hoping that it will grow us lots of good food in future years.
Additionally, on Saturday we made another Havarti. I skimmed the milk this time, so hopefully it comes out less sharp than it did last time. I had it hotter than it needed to be in the beginning, and it stayed brined a few more hours than was necessary, so hopefully that doesn't cause any flaws in it. It has knit together quite nicely, and is currently drying in the drying fridge.
Timmy has started walking around of his own accord, although he still prefers crawling to walking.
This week Sarah said
"I am going to marry Timmy"
I told her "It is pas permis for you to marry Timmy because he is your brother"
"I am going to marry Johnny"
"That's okay you can marry Johnny"
Then she started singing: "Johnny's not much to look at. Johnny's not much to look at." etc.
Alison and I have not figured out who Johnny is.
Rea's rash is all better. She rode her bike all the way to maceys (1 mile) this last week.
That is pretty much all.
Thursday grandma Sheila offered to watch the kids, so we went out to dinner and had a walk in a park. It was nice.
We went to see Fiddler on the Roof on Friday. It was excellent. We took the Poulsons and the Browns out to see it with us, and we had a good time. I would highly recommend it to anyone that has not seen it.
I have been reading about an ancient German permaculture technique called hugelkultur as part of doing research for my space game, so on Saturday we made a hugelkultur in our front yard. We have planted it with beans and are hoping that it will grow us lots of good food in future years.

Timmy has started walking around of his own accord, although he still prefers crawling to walking.
This week Sarah said
"I am going to marry Timmy"
I told her "It is pas permis for you to marry Timmy because he is your brother"
"I am going to marry Johnny"
"That's okay you can marry Johnny"
Then she started singing: "Johnny's not much to look at. Johnny's not much to look at." etc.
Alison and I have not figured out who Johnny is.
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