
This past week we went to Wyoming to visit grandpa Mike and grandma Sheila. 

We spent the early part of the week getting ready to go, and on Friday we left.

We carpooled with those of or siblings that were also going, so that we only had to drive two cars total.

The kids loved riding together, and on the way there they were very good. 

The trip was successful (though sleep was hard to come by (due both to late night talking as well as kids sleeping poorly)).

We saw some sites while we were out there (the coolest to me was an arch that spanned a river), and I also worked a lot on my space game. 

My cards are coming along quite nicely. I should be ready for the design group meeting.

Timmy is now folding his arms during most of most prayers, and saying amen at the end. He loves shaking his head 'no' at everything, and still climbs like a champ. 

Sara was sick during much of the trip, but was still happy (for the most part). She loved playing with her cousins and grandparents. 

Rea loved being one of the Big Kids, and was very helpful both to us and to Timmy.

On Monday we drove home. The kids were good up until we got stuck in traffic (at which point they all sang loud songs of farewell to everything under the sun for an extended period of time). That wasn't so fun. 

Since we came home we have unpacked, and are getting back into the swing of things.

Rea has developed a rash (probably from the cow milk?), which we are watching right now as well.


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