Sickness descends

This week for family night we bought some stuff for the ward secret Santa. On various other days we wrapped them up. Sunday we delivered them to the ward building (where the massive pile of gifts filled the clerks office). It was fun to talk to the girls about the spirit of giving and how it relates to the birth of Christ and the meaning of the Christmas season.

Starting Thursday we had a medium length sickness in some of our house. Rea and Sara both caught it, and it manifested as fever, lethargy, and vomiting. The lethargy was actually kind of nice a little, since it gave time to clean up the vomiting without the girls causing too much trouble.

Timmy was still super healthy and he wanted to cheer up the girls. This led to humorous miscommunication between the three, and Timmy learned how to say the word "OW!" whenever anyone does something to him that he doesn't like.

Rea got the worst of the sickness (she threw up on two different days), and Sara got a much less virulent form (only throwing up one time).

I mostly worked on my board games this week. I had a lot of help from other people (Thanks everyone that offered to read my rule docs!) Most of the feedback has now been incorporated, and I am gearing up for the final push before I submit the games for judging to the ION Award.

I got packages from theGameCrafter this week as well (which I highly recommend if you are into making your own games). It had my new map for "MOAR MOAI", cards for "MOAR MOAI", "Sorcery, Inc.", and "Polynesia", and mats for all three games as well. Between these things and my 3d printed counters the games should be looking pretty snazzy for the competition.

We watched Star Wars movies this week on multiple occasions in an attempt to finish them all before we see Star Wars next weekend (remember that my work gets tickets for us to see a movie twice a year (it really is the only time that we see movies - we are horrible about keeping up to date on the movies)). We finally finished them on Saturday.

The sixth movie was pretty darn good, Although this time we watched the recut version which didn't have the "yub yub" song at the end (I liked the song, but apparently it wasn't cool enough?) It also added a song in Jabba's palace that was weird.

Saturday we made tempura. The dragon balls were particularly good this time. For those who have never had them, they are cremini mushrooms stuffed with spicy tuna (and a little mayo), breaded and fried. I'd give a recipe, but it is pretty much what it sounds like. Dip them in warm soy sauce and enjoy.

On Sunday Timmy went to the nursery for part of the time (next week is his first week that he should be going, but he was making a fuss during our class, so we took him in and then took him out when Alison went in to do singing time with the kids).

Rea has begin to enjoy the Ramona books by Beverly Cleary. While she was sick is was one of the main things that she wanted to do.

Sunday night I called the family together for scripture study and Sara refused to come into the room (as she does some nights) I told her that I would send Timmy after her to tickle her until she came into the room with us. Timmy apparently understood the gist of the plan because he started laughing and then he ran out of the room with his hands out in front of him like a tickle monster, looking for Sara. Sara evaded him and came into the room and Timmy came back in as well and started ticking Sara. It was pretty funny.

Apparently last night we also got a bit of snow. (three inches I would guess?)

Timmy hates dressing up for church Rea & Sara love dressing up for church


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