The Elephant of Light

This week got off to a slow start, trying to recover from all the bad habits sickness breeds. We took the week mostly off kid school and watched some movies and played. As we started to recover at the end of the week, Timmy got fussy. We finally realized that he's cutting a molar. Neither of our girls fused at all with molars, but we think that's his problem.

Thursday we watched Max and Petra while Scott and Sheila went to the new Star Wars movie, and then they watched our kids so we could go see it on Friday. Mike and Scott's work gave out tickets to the opening weekend, which was fabulous. We invited Daniel and some of his friends to join us, which was fun. The movie was great, very funny and well acted and enjoyable. We have been enjoying some long discussions about the plot and possible future directions for the series.

Friday during the day Alison and the kids went up to Kaysville. Josh and Katie and Kendrick are in town, and it was fun to see them. We went swimming at the aquatic center, which Réa loved, and had a good time talking.

Saturday morning was the ward Christmas breakfast. We had breakfast casseroles and fruit and a nice program with Christmas music and a Christmas story. There was a Santa at the end; Réa wanted to sit on his lap for the first in her life. We spent the socializing time inviting people to our annual New Year's Day game party. We might have a big crowd this year.

Saturday afternoon Alison spent hours and hours doing all the final Christmas shopping. She does this every year and gets exhausted, but we haven't found a way around it (it's mostly food shopping for Christmas and a few presents that kids didn't decide on until too late to order online - it has to be done in person, without kids, as close to Christmas as possible because of perishable surprises). Mike made a brie while she was gone, and the kids played. After dinner, we went to Zoo Lights.  Réa was very excited about it, and it was just as fun as she expected. Timmy really liked it too; he really enjoyed the elephants and tried to say "elephant." Sara seemed to sleep in the stroller. It was very crowded, but not too cold, and everyone was happy.

Sunday Timmy went to all of nursery for the first time. According to Sara, he cried sometimes and was happy sometimes. After church, we made fudge to give to neighbors for Christmas gifts. We also had our weekly family meeting and interviews. Mike did not have to do tithing settlement, so we had plenty of time. We started work on our annual Christmas Card Blog Post, so expect to see that soon.


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