We just can't get rid of this stuff!

This week there was a lot of sickness in the family. We overcame the sickness of last week, and the mid way through the week Timmy started acting sick again, but by Sunday he was feeling a bit better. Alison also has not been feeling her best, but she is also not really that sad, and with little kids she has kept things together quite well.

Having the kids sick for so long has bred bad habits into them. Once when we were discussing "the screaming problem" that we have been having (people screaming instead of asking for the thing that they want). Alison said "who wants to help us with this screaming problem?" Timmy said "me! me!", and raised his hand before saying "AAAH!"

Additionally, while he was feeling good I was singing the "Go! Go! Go! Joseph!" song to Timmy, and he replied "Go! Go! Go! me!"

On Tuesday the kids and Alison went over to the Poulson's house and helped decorate for Craig's birthday. They had a fun time.

We have been continuing to read Harry Potter as a family. They just defeated the troll, and Rea loved it. (I thought she would have been scared (this is unusual, and so I have to assume that she was imagining one of those plastic troll toys that grandma Julie keeps (the ones from the 80's, with wild colorful hair and jewels in their navels))).

On Saturday morning I went and got some horse manure compost (for free) from an equestrian in the area. He has a ton of it (when I say ton, I am probably under exaggerating - the pile is almost the size of our house), so if you want some you can get any amount of it (even up to a truck-load) by just asking and loading it up. He even has a tractor to help you load up a truck if you have one.

Reminds me of a sign I saw on my mission in front of a drive way in the country.

In the afternoon till the evening I installed drip lines in the front yard to service our new gardens that we are putting in. The final plural in the last sentence was intentional. We are putting in an herb garden as well as a food garden.

We hope to be healthy next week. Here's to hoping.

Finally, I will finish this blog with two pictures that might tell you some things if you think about them.


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