Harry Potter and the Mushrooms of Wedidntfindemyet

This week Mike went to Fluent (which is a technical conference). Going to a technical conference is both good and bad, because Mike learns a lot, but he also misses his family a lot. It was held in San Fransisco, and was three days long. Mike learned new stuff that should help him be more skillful in his employment. He is happy that he works at a place that pays for such things for their employees.

Since the kids all came down with hand foot and mouth disease the day before Mike was about to leave, Alison took them up to grandma's house so that she wouldn't have to deal with them alone. They spent three days being sick and spoiled rotten. Timmy got held for three days straight while the girls got to eat anything that they wanted to for three days and watch a ton of movies.

We are now in detox mode. There has been much screaming. Also, A digression in potty training on both Timmy and Sara's parts. Their rashes have gotten much better, so perhaps we will be able to go out in public soon.

When Mike was supposed to be going home, the airplane turned out to be late or something, so he didn't get home till three in the morning. He took Friday off because he was very tired. The family enjoyed having Mike home (although he slept a lot).

On Saturday we did shopping and a lot of laundry. We also made some beef chowder (with beef bone broth) and read some of the first Harry Potter as a family. Sara and Timmy didn't like it, but Rea really liked it. We are at the point where they just got off the train to Hogwarts.

The soil temperature is approaching the point where morels should show up, so we have started to look for them (on two separate days). We have not found any yet, but if anyone is interested, we will tell you when we find some. We will call Clancy no matter what, because we know that he loves them.


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