A nugget baby and the Stud of a Goat

This week Clarabelle was clearly in heat, so we arranged to take her over to the stud. Unfortunately, the only time the stud's owner could do it was in the middle of the afternoon, and it ended up being Alison's worst day of morning sickness ever, so Mike had to leave work and do it. We decided that now his boss can add to the lists of "strangest reasons my employees have asked for time off." Clarabelle was gone for a few days and Lala was very noisy without her. Alison felt better the other days and took the kids to the library and to her mom's house, so they were happy. Alison was even well enough to pick up the goat on Thursday. It was a good thing she felt good that day, because the owner of the stud was over an hour late. Luckily another woman showed us her baby goats and the baby pigs, so the kids had fun. The goats are glad to be home together. Thursday we were packing to leave for a trip and we noticed that a robin was building a nest in our ornamental...