The first few morels

Over the course of the week we finished up changing Micronesia to be Norse themed. We have learned more about Norse mythology than we knew before. They sure had a lot of war gods.

This week for breakfast in addition to pancakes we had muffins. The kids liked them, however they were really messy, since their muffin etiquette is far worse than their pancake etiquette. Specifically, they would carry their muffins all around the house and leave them all over the place.

On Monday Alison and the kids all went to the park and stayed for 6 hours. Alison was exhausted after it was over, however the girls had a fun time. They all got sunburned, but that didn't last very long. Probably it was just the fact that they are all so white after a winter.

Rea wants you all to know that after they got sunburned she broke the bottle of aloe, so we have to get a new bottle. She will be paying for it herself, since she threw the bottle.

Rea has also been reading a lot of Calvin and Hobbes recently. She pronounces the "e" in hobbes. When asked what her favorite story was, she said "the story where Calvin wanted to take up the floor boards and make a trap in his room, and his mom said that it would make a hole in the kitchen ceiling."

On Wednesday it was raining, and I have noticed the soil temperature has been around 55 degrees, which means... Morels! So I sent out an announcement that I was going morel hunting Thursday after work, and Clancy drove up to hunt with me and Sara (Timmy was asleep and Rea preferred to play at home). We found a mediocre haul: two patches, one for me and one for Clancy. Mine had 48 morels, but they were significantly smaller than last year's. We decided to go back on Saturday as a family. On Friday, we woke up to a small amount of snow on the ground, so the soil temperature dropped back down, but we went anyway. Saturday was a fun family outing, but we only found 5 little morels. They were delicious.

On Saturday we also made another batch of granola - this time with grandpa Craig's honey. We have just finished drying it, so hopefully it is really good. It smells real nice.


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