Harry Potter and the Garden of Ancient Greek Pancakes

This week Timmy started saying 2+ word sentences (things like "Dada home - happy!", and "Pet Meow!" (which meant "I want to pet the cat")). It is pretty good. Hopefully he gets a better vocabulary of verbs so that the sentences can make more sense.

At work we have been hiring more people since Scott and Nate both left our team. We made one offer this week, (and the guy accepted it). It seems that we are going to make another offer on Monday morning (when our HR guy gets back).

We have been reading Harry Potter 2 this week. The kids love playing Harry Potter all the time (Rea is Harry, I am Ron, Sara is a magic princess named Rose, Mom is Hermione, and Timmy is either George, Ginny, or Prof. Snape). Whenever I make pancakes I am in remedial potions class and Snape is making make potions.

Speaking of pancakes, on Thursday I decided to make pancakes for breakfast, and I gave them to the kids and Alison. When I came home from work she reported that she was hardly nauseous the entire day. We decided that the pancakes must have been to blame, so I have been making pancakes for breakfast ever since. Most days Alison has felt better than she had felt recently, so either the pancakes are helping, or she is in a anew stage of the pregnancy.

Friday we all went as a family to the Off Broadway Theatre to see Greece is the word. It was a parody of Grease (and based in ancient Greece.) It was pretty funny, and didn't have a scary bad guy, so the kids loved it. Timmy loved the music, I thought that Zeus was pretty funny, Alison liked Hera, Rea liked the dancing hench-women, and Sara liked the princesses (I didn't notice them).

Saturday we planned on putting in some drip hoses into our front yard, and probably cleaning up the house (a pretty easy day plan, but you never know with sprinkler systems).

Alison has been reading about a gardening system called 'Back to Eden', where you keep the dirt covered and don't have to water it so much because there is less moisture lost to the environment. Watering less sounds good to us, so we have decided to try it out.

In the morning after pancakes we started the drip hoses for the front yard gardens. The drip bibs that we put in were really easy to attach hoses to, so they went in rather quickly.

Since it was only 10:00, and we were done with our job we decided to go out and get some cardboard to place under the dirt to kill our front yard (so that when we put in the gardens they don't have anything growing up from underneath them). We went to the local Macey's and got a huge load of cardboard pads that were probably used in between pallet loads of products. We got enough to cover a large portion of our front yard.

It was now only about 11:00, so we then decided to get some compost to put on top of the cardboard (because that is the next step of the system that we are trying to follow).

We got a massive load delivered by 2:00, so we then began to distribute it all over the yard. By 4:30 we finished up, so our front yard gardens are way further along than we expected them to be by this weekend. We still have a little bit of compost left over, but we also ran out of cardboard, so we will get more cardboard next week and finish up for real.

The next step that we have planned is to get some wood chips (or other mulch) to cover the entire thing so that we don't lose a lot of moisture. Hopefully this year we have an excellent garden from all of this work.

Finally, I decided on Friday to do a Norse retheme of Micronesia (because of a joke from the play, where they said that the Norse gods were tougher than the Greek gods, and then has Chuck Norris come out).


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