The Interrupted Birthday Party

On Monday we had family night. Sara was supposed to do the lesson, so she chose Ammon for the lesson. We put on a youtube video that some young men and women made with a fancy camera and a bunch of fake arms. It was quite surprising to watch. Alison had to remind the girls that it was not real. In a summary of the lesson Sara told us that "It teached us that we shouldn't chop arms off!"

Alison went to the midwife on Tuesday. She is officially entering the 3rd trimester this week, so she is now able to look at things on the floor and say "There is no way I am getting that". Other than that, she is feeling great. She didn't even pass out at her glucose screening blood draw this time.

Tuesday night was Rea's daddy daughter date night. She chose to go to Maceys and get ice cream cones and then to make ice cream and watch a My Little Ponies episode. It was fun and the ice cream was tasty.

On Wednesday the kids went to the dentist. None of them had any cavities, and Sara got her first X-Ray. The kids really liked the dentist - which is way better than Rea's first trip (where she screamed the whole time.)

Wednesday night, we started to make Mike's Birtday dinner (he is now 32 years old), but after the main course and before dessert he was interrupted by a work emergency. Mike loves his job, and enjoys programming all day, but being on call is not his cup of tea.

Fortunately this sort of thing is pretty rare, but it still is not fun. Next time he will find a job where the stuff that he works on is used during business hours. That should make it less likely that this sort of stuff will happen.

After the emergency was over, we had blueberry pie and Mike opened up his presents. He got a tiny laser engraver, a board game (Splendor), and a bunch of high quality centimeter cubes for prototyping board games. Between that and the camping trip it was an excellent birthday.

Thursday was the coolest day since we've been back, so Alison and the kids went to see the lion cubs at the Zoo. It was fun, however they missed having Grandma Julie and Grandpa Craig with them, since they used to always go to the zoo together. "Coolest" is of course relative in Utah in August, so they went to the pool afterwards to cool off.

Rea swam the elementary backstroke across the width of the pool for the first time, and Timmy enjoyed putting his face in the pool and blowing bubbles, while Sara wall-walked around the edge of the pool.

On Friday we went over to one of Mike's friend's house for dinner (Loren Andrus). The adults had a fun time talking, and the kids had a fun time playing and dressing up and playing with stuffed penguins.

Saturday Mike finally got around to looking at the oven. We have been without a bottom heating element in the oven for almost a month, but it never seemed to be a priority to fix it. Mike opened the oven and figured out what parts needed to be replaced. It was only the heating element itself, so it was pretty easy a fix. The parts have been ordered, and when they come in it should be half an hour max to fix it.

Also on Saturday Mike looked at a problem that has been happening with Alison's bike. The chain wobbles when the motor is pulling hard, and then it falls off of the small sprocket that the motor uses to drive the chain.

He came up with a few ideas, but has not implemented them - hopefully he can get it working nicely again.

Sarturday Night we finally finished unpacking from the camping trip. Who knew that camping would take so long to unpack from?


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