The week of boring report.

Last Saturday the pool closed, so we went to the pool and spent some time there on its last day. We found some left over choke cherries and wandered around. It is a good park. Alison plans on setting up a outdoor preschool, and inviting other home-school kids over to the park to talk and learn about nature. We'll see how it goes this next week.

This week Mike worked a lot on his new dragon board game - playtesting it at least 8 times. It has to be done by Wednesday if he is going to enter it into the competition. It is no-where near ready, but it was a fun thing to work on.

Alison has been working on making lots of movies for the kids curriculum for this year's home schooling. She has become very skilled at putting words to animations, and has a whole bunch of songs done.
I found this on my phone.
No idea how it got there.

On Monday, Rea gave us a lesson for family night - we can't remember anything else about FHE.

On Tuesday we went to Wheeler farm again for Timmy's date night. He pretty much wants to go there every date night. No-one even got hurt this time :).

Saturday we bought some Peaches (for $0.83 a lb), and canned some of them. If any of you need cheap peaches, the place is pretty close and the price is right.

We also cleaned out the 3d printer room so that I could start printing again. Whenever we have something that we don't want to deal with we tend to put it in there, and it gets too cluttered to comfortably navigate, so we have to periodically put a bunch of stuff away and or throw a bunch of stuff out.

The printer is now printing like a champion - a "primadonna who wants to make sure that you know how important it is" champion. But seriously, I have been getting a bunch of prints out of it.


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