Wrestles at the Fighting Store

Mike has started to work on his Lil'Warbucks website again. For those that do not remember what that is, it is the website that he made to help keep track of the kids money. It works like a phone app on Android phones. It doesn't work on iPhones yet. As a side note, Mike is looking for an old iPhone to test the app on. If anyone has one that they are not using, and would like to sell for cheap ($20ish) he would buy it from them. This week Mike created a Patreon page as one of his new years goals for making alternative income. For those that do not know what Patreon is, it is a website that allows fans to pay creators a monthly income for things that they are creating. If any of you would like to become one of his patrons, he would work on things that you want. You can pay as little as $1 a month. Alison's plan to wrestle with the kids every day has been going well. Sara said that wrestling was her favorite part of the week. It seems to have helped Sara's whini...