Wrestles at the Fighting Store

Mike has started to work on his Lil'Warbucks website again. For those that do not remember what that is, it is the website that he made to help keep track of the kids money. It works like a phone app on Android phones. It doesn't work on iPhones yet. As a side note, Mike is looking for an old iPhone to test the app on. If anyone has one that they are not using, and would like to sell for cheap ($20ish) he would buy it from them.

This week Mike created a Patreon page as one of his new years goals for making alternative income.  For those that do not know what Patreon is, it is a website that allows fans to pay creators a monthly income for things that they are creating. If any of you would like to become one of his patrons, he would work on things that you want. You can pay as little as $1 a month.

Alison's plan to wrestle with the kids every day has been going well. Sara said that wrestling was her favorite part of the week. It seems to have helped Sara's whining issues as well. She still whines, but not quite as much. It has not helped Timmy any, although he enjoys it.

Last Friday, the homeschool group restarted their weekly afternoons at the park, but Alison had already planned the Brazil Carnival party for that Friday afternoon, so they missed it. This Wednesday, Alison happened to meet the mom who organized the park day in the library and she said that it was so cold that she was going to invite everyone to a playgroup at her church building Friday morning instead. So Alison and the kids went to some other church building and played with new kids for a playgroup. It was fun.

As I write this post, Timmy told me that his favorite thing this week was going to the "fighting store". I am not quite sure what that means, however I am sure that it was fun.

Mike spent a lot of time this week getting ready for SaltCon. He has a schedule of what he will do, and he has been teaching his viking game to as many people as will listen to him in preparation to teaching it to the judges for the Ion Award.

This week Timmy really wanted to play board games with Mike, so one night he convinced Mike to get down and play 7 Wonders with him. It was way too complex, but he loved the drafting. He would mostly pick the guys that have weapons, but he also likes the brave horses.

On Saturday Rea rode her bike a lot, and really enjoyed it. She is getting really good at steering it, and at starting and stopping it. she didn't fall off once.

This whole week Gideon has been playing happily on his tummy. This means that some time soon he will probably figure out how to crawl.

The laser cutter is now operating at full power, and we were able to cut some shapes of cardboard for Montessori. Once we get them painted, Alison will take some pictures and post them to her Montessori groups. She expects them to be very popular, and we might get some orders. The ablative bed looks pretty geometric after all of the cutting.

Rea also reminds me that she has been good about marking her chore chart. Rea is the only one that has been good about marking the chart, so Alison is reconsidering how the kids will earn their money in the future.

Finally, midway through writing this post I was making dinner while Timmy played with Gideon. I heard an odd noise and came out to see Timmy asleep on the floor and Gideon sucking on Timmy's elbow. Gideon loves his big brother!


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