The week of many parties

On Tuesday, we had an arctic themed Carnival party at the park with three families from our ward. Alison filled water ballons with water and food coloring and froze them and then hid the blocks of ice for the kids to find. They had a blast smashing them and melting them with salt. Carnival has been very fun and will probably become a tradition.

Tuesday evening we had a Book of Mormon party (because we finished reading it). Mostly that meant having a dessert, and acting our favorite parts of the Book of Mormon as a family. It was pretty fun. We are now starting on the New Testiment.

Wednesday was Sara's date night. She wanted to go to the DI and buy a new bowl (she had broken hers Tuesday night), and then to come back home and play Barbies. Yay.

Friday Alison and Mike went to a play and ate sushi as well. The play was funny, the sushi was good, and the company was excellent. It was a well needed date.

On Saturday we had a Mexican fiesta, which Sara had picked for her Carnival party last week but somehow never happened. We had it with Daddy instead of friends and got Mexican food for lunch and did a pinata. Alison and Rea had paper-mached a balloon for rhe pinata on Thursday, but it was so rainy that it didn't dry properly, so we improvised with a cardboard box.

The snow all melted this week in the rain and the daffodils are sprouting. Rea is convinced it's spring and keeps planting seeds in her garden and asking when Easter is coming. Alison is still hoping for another good snow dump or two.

Mike's laser cutter has finally cut through cardboard. It took quite a bit of effort, and it seems like it will be more work before he is done with it, but it can cut through cardboard at least.

Finally, Mike has gotten some sample images back from Sheila (who has agreed to illustrate the "Brave Lala" book). They look pretty good :)


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