Sara's big adventure

The sunflowers that we planted this year are growing very big. Rea uses their leaves to hide under when it rains.  We plan on planting the seeds of the biggest one, and harvesting all of the rest of them for food.

On Monday Alison and the kids played in the creek at the park where the pool is, and for the first time we met three other families at the place that we didn't even know. The big kids caught minnows, and one of the families had a dog. Gideon loved it, and tried to say dog a lot of times. He didn't sound exactly right, but he has remembered the word, and has been yelling it all week whenever we see a dog.

On Tuesday Mike went to the BGDG meeting, and he played the Madness Place. It went well, and he got some new ideas. Now he just has to implement them.

On Wednesday, Alison went to her writing group. It was nice for her to be in a different group with non-published authors. It makes her feel more confident about bringing her own writing some time.

On Thursday Mike went to do an audit for his calling. It took a long time. While Mike was at the audit, the kids cleaned up the house and went to bed. It was like a dream.

Friday night, the kids finally got enough pins to go to a play, so we went to Seussical at the Draper theater. Alison liked it a lot more than Seussical Jr. Rea says that it was really fun. Timmy said that it was good, and the Grinch was his favorite. Sara said that the Grinch wanted it to be Grinchsical. Gideon was pretty good, and Mike liked the wickersham brothers the best.

Saturday morning we went canoeing on the Jordan River. It was very shallow and fairly slow moving, so the trip was very easy, and uneventful. We saw ducks, birds, a fish, and a purple bush. Rea took a lot of pictures during the trip, and we had a fun time. We will do it again for sure. Perhaps we will even have some cousins come along some time.

Here is a photo gallery of Rea's pictures.

This weekend was stake conference. On Saturday we had a babysitter and watched the adult session as a date. It was good.

Mike was printing up a card game to play, and he made some extra cards for Timmy. This was one of the highlights of the week for Timmy.

Saturday afternoon, Mike made a tort out of ground up nuts and dried fruit. It turned out pretty much like brownies, but presumably much more healthy. He really likes making torts, because he invents a new recipe every time.

Mike is also writing a humorous management book (with bad advice). He hopes that it is humorous anyway.


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